About Us
Our beginnings were that of a corporate paralegal working in an Edmonton law firm, where a vast knowledge of forms and processes was keenly developed. Law firms, however, have big overheads and need to charge big fees, and sometimes aren’t convenient to work with. That led to realizing there was a gap in the market. So, with a vision to providing a more niche service to businesses, VCS Corporate Services was founded in 2004 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
VCS began by serving various small business clients in the Edmonton area. Our initial focus was performing incorporations and maintaining minute books – two services still at our core today.
We found that new entrepreneurs often tried to avoid high-priced legal costs. They would try to incorporate themselves at a registry office. That often left the corporation with a sub-standard share structure, which incurred duplicated costs to later fix the structure. Very few of those corporations had a proper minute book, and this caused them problems when trying to obtain financing, effecting new shareholder buy-ins, and when navigating partner disputes.
We provide a solution. Our services allow entrepreneurs to incorporate properly, with some future flexibility, and without the high prices.
Our clients are primarily small to medium-sized businesses who want a more economical option for their corporate maintenance. We provide that service at a fraction of the cost that law firms charge. During our time, we’ve even gained some lawyers as clients.
Today, we continue to work with clients to make the incorporation process simple. We provide the best possible organizational set-up to serve a client’s future needs, with built-in flexibility, so you don’t have to make expensive fixes later.
Our service area includes Edmonton, St. Albert, Fort Saskatchewan, Sherwood Park, Leduc, and Spruce Grove. We also provide remote assistance to clients in Calgary, Red Deer, and Fort McMurray, as well as the rest of the province.
To learn more about our services, visit our Services page.
We also have a page for Frequently Asked Questions.
If you would like to contact us now, please click here.